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our BOGO Offer Deal Ends when the Time Runs Out. Act Now by filling out the form On one of Our locations to claim your special deal from IMAGINE Coworking.
Our coworking Locations

Imagine Coworking is proud to serve two vibrant locations in the Atlanta area

Dunwoody-Chamblee, GA

The Dunwoody-Chamblee coworking space offers easy access to Atlanta’s northern business district. This location is great for professionals seeking a workspace in Atlanta, GA.

Kennesaw, GA

Our Kennesaw coworking space combines modern amenities with a convenient location. Located just minutes from local businesses, cafes, and transportation hubs, our Kennesaw site provides a collaborative workspace that supports innovation, connection, and success.

Our Available Workspaces: Flexible Office Space And Co Working Options

Desk Memberships

Great for freelancers, students, and first-time coworkers!

Private Offices

Great for private practitioners, local businesses, and startups!

Join our Network of local entrepreneurs to get your best work done.

Workshops Form

Ready to come in and check us out? Great! Fill out our contact form below and we’ll email you a free day pass, and answer any questions you have too!

Loved By 100+ Coworkers